


5-166 Toryork Drive
Toronto, ON, M9L 1X6

HST# 723174538 RT0001

Invoice Number INV-2739
Invoice Date January 25, 2021
Due Date January 26, 2021
Total Due $242.95
Bill Pryhoda
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Glass Fabrication, Opening Dimensions 17 3/4" - 35 7/8", double grey 6mm thick glass, polished edges, tempered

Set of hardware (2 hinges, magnetic latch and strike plate with handle as images below) @ $40

1 Set of hardware (2 hinges, magnetic latch and strike plate with handle as images below) @ $40 $40.00$40.00
Sub Total $215.00
HST $27.95
Total Due $242.95