

5-166 Toryork Drive
Toronto, ON, M9L 1X6

HST# 723174538 RT0001

Invoice Number INV-3050
Invoice Date May 4, 2023
Due Date May 4, 2023
Total Due $349.74
Closet Solution Manufacturing Inc. /Kirill Bobrakov

Toll-free: (877) 583-9317 ext. 101
Direct: (416) 458-6619

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
2 3mm bronze mirrors, flat polished 12 1/4" x 24 1/2" and 12 3/4" x 24 1/2"
2 3mm clear mirror, polished around 71 3/4" x 19 13/16" and 71 3/4" x 9 9/16" $102.75$205.50
Sub Total $309.50
HST $40.24
Total Due $349.74