

5-166 Toryork Drive
Toronto, ON, M9L 1X6

HST# 723174538 RT0001

Invoice Number INV-4053
Invoice Date May 3, 2024
Due Date May 31, 2024
Total Due $1,441.88
Regal Custom Woodworking & Design/Linda T.

75 Irondale Dr #2, North York, ON M9L 2S6

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Frosted Glass

2 pieces of 4mm frosted glass, 15x29 @ $56 per piece
Eva's Email from April 15, 2024

1 3mm polished mirror

2 pieces of 3mm polished mirrors 11 1/8 x 78 1/16 @ $107 per piece
Linda's email from May 01, 2024

1 Custom pattern LED mirror with LED components $950.00$950.00
Sub Total $1,276.00
HST $165.88
Total Due $1,441.88