

5-166 Toryork Drive
Toronto, ON, M9L 1X6

HST# 723174538 RT0001

Invoice Number INV-1756
Invoice Date November 6, 2021
Due Date November 7, 2021
Total Due $3,892.85
Barlow cabinet works
Gold Antique Mirrors
15.75”x 64.375” -  $620
14.75”x64.375”  -  $620
25.625”x54.375” -   $845
16.375” radius half circle x2 (customer to supply templates) -  $680 x 2 = $1360
Delivery to Barlow cabinet works
660 Bayview Drive in Barrie 
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Mirror Fabrication & Delivery $3,445.00$3,445.00
Sub Total $3,445.00
HST $447.85
Total Due $3,892.85