

5-166 Toryork Drive
Toronto, ON, M9L 1X6

HST# 723174538 RT0001

Invoice Number INV-4063
Invoice Date May 16, 2024
Due Date May 31, 2024
Total Due $6,350.60
Wide Angle Construction/Amrinder Dhinsa

130 Delta Park Boulevard
Brampton ON L6T 5E7, CA

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 22 Glenbrook Gym Mirror walls

First wall:
approximately 112" long x 83" tall (on the left side of the door)
approximately 12" long x 83" tall (on the right side of the door)
Second wall:
approximately 120" long x 83" tall
Total mirror fabrication and installation $5040

1 Interior window glass

Small window approximately 44" long x 15" tall with minimum aluminum black frame around the glass.
Fabrication and installation - $580

Sub Total $5,620.00
HST $730.60
Total Due $6,350.60